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Simir (Pap Smear) Test

The Pap smear test, also known as the Pap test, is a screening test used to detect cervical cancer, infections, or precancerous lesions in women. It has become one of the two tests that can extend women's lives and is a part of gynecological examinations. The smear test, which involves taking a swab from the cervix using a brush in a procedure that lasts only 5-10 seconds, is crucial in diagnosing cervical (cervix) cancer.

Women should start getting the smear test three years after their first sexual intercourse or at the age of 21. While women under the age of 30 need to have the smear test once a year, women aged 30 and above are generally advised to undergo the test every 2-3 years if their previous three tests have been negative consecutively.

Cervical cancer, a potentially fatal type of cancer, can be detected through the smear test. Women at risk include those who smoke, have multiple sexual partners, had their first sexual experience at a young age, carry the HPV infection, neglect genital hygiene, or use birth control pills.

This information is provided for educational purposes only, and consultation with a healthcare professional is recommended when necessary.


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